5th Edition of The Spark Journal5th Edition of The Spark Journal
April 05, 2024 GEOSTRATEGIC STUDY Russia – Ukraine War Prepared by the staff team of ACAR April 1, 2024 All enquiries should be channeled to: The Head of Research, #96
March 23, 2024 ABSTRACT Three West African countries namely, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau and Ghana, would engage in democratic bourgeois elections in 2024. In Ghana and Guinea-Bissau, key presidential elections are scheduled
WAPO SEVEN MEMBER COORDINATING COUNCIL Communique The Coordinating Council of the West Africa Peoples Organization met in Accra on 10th December, 2023, to hold its Fourth Ordinary Session and mark
Le Président du Conseil de Coordination, A leurs Excellences, -Colonel Assimi Goïta, Président du Gouvernement de Transition du Mali -Capitaine Ibrahim Traoré, Président du Gouvernement de Transition du Burkina Faso
Your Excellencies,Colonel Assimi Goïta, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and General Abdourahmane TCHIANI, Presidents of the Transitional Governments of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger respectively,The Coordinating Council of the West African Peoples’
Camarades!La dernière Déclaration de l’Organisation en date du 02 Août 2023, dit : « L’OPAO condamne fermement etsans ambiguïté l’attitude belliqueuse actuelle de la CEDEAO et exige que toutes les
We urge member organizations of WAPO to continue to stand up and confront the threat of NATOFRANCE/ECOWAS war against the peoples of Niger and the illegal and barbaric sanctions.Comrades, in
Par: Diagne Fodé Roland 12/08/23 L’arbitraire du régime présidentialiste vient de coupler l’arrestation de l’opposant, probable vainqueur de la présidentielle 2024, à l’annonce de la dissolution de Pastef aussitôt suivie
At the ECOWAS Heads of State meeting in Abuja on Sunday, July 31, 2023, several serious decisions weretaken against the new leaders of Niger. The West African Peoples’ Organization (WAPO)
QUICK NOTE: UPDATE ON MILITARY TAKEOVER IN NIGER Only a week after the coup d’état in Niger, the spot price of uranium has seen an uptick from $56.15 to $56.25
Les Chefs d’Etat de la CEDEAO réunis à Abuja le dimanche 31 juillet 2023 ont pris de graves décisions àl’encontre des nouveaux dirigeants du Niger. L’Organisation des Peuples d’Afrique de
Dr. Fred M’membe was arrested on charges of libel on August 8, after he was summoned for questioning by the Zambian police. An outspoken critic of imperialist and neoliberal policies,
The West African Peoples’ Organization said ECOWAS’ threat of military intervention was a maneuver by colonial France and Great Britain, under the hegemony of US imperialism. With Mali, Guinea, and
President of Senegal Maky Sall In a Declaration dated July 02, 2023, the President of Senegal Maky Sall has just announced his decision not to stand for re-election in the
Président du Sénégal Maky Sall Dans une Déclaration en date du 02 juillet 2023, le Président du Sénégal Maky Sall vient d’annoncer sa décision de ne pas se représenter à