We urge member organizations of WAPO to continue to stand up and confront the threat of NATOFRANCE/ECOWAS war against the peoples of Niger and the illegal and barbaric sanctions.
Comrades, in the latest Declaration of our Organization on the current development situation in Niger
dated August 02, 2023, we conveyed in no uncertain terms to the imperialist and neo-colonial aggressors
our determination to continually support, and solidarize with the besieged people of Niger. We said in that statement that, WAPO “…. strongly and unambiguously condemns the current bellicose attitude of ECOWAS and demands that all military bases of all imperialist and neo-conservative forces in West Africa be withdrawn. We call on our member organizations to close ranks and fight against any unjust imperialist war that might be imposed on our region by the folly of our bankrupt rulers.”
Comrades, since this appeal of August 02, 2023, the danger of an imperialist war being unleashed against
the peoples of Niger, and a subsequent general conflagration in the sub-region, still looms large. This is
evident in the latest resolution of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government of August 10 in which Abuja re-confirmed “the activation [and] deployment of ECOWAS standby forces”. In other words, ECOWAS continues to prepare for war against the people of Niger. In addition, the retention of illegal and inhuman sanctions against Niger indicate clearly that even without war, ECOWAS Heads of State intend to destroy the livelihoods of the peoples of Niger.

In this regard, WAPO salutes the determination of the Nigerien people whom in the face of adversity have
organised demonstrations against the perilous sanctions imposed by ECOWAS leaders and French
imperialism. WAPO fully supports the giant and patriotic demonstrations on Sunday August 6, 2023 at
Niamey’s Seyni Kountche stadium as well as the one held on Friday, July 11 in front of the French military
base, amidst proclamations and chants such as “No to France !”, “France Dégage !!”, “No to ECOWAS !!!”
and “French military base out of Niger !!!!”.
Furthermore, we welcome the mobilization of all the peoples of the sub-region in solidarity with the
struggles of the people of Niger against this NATO/France aggression. This includes resolutions passed by
the ECOWAS Parliament and by national institutions in various ECOWAS countries (including Nigeria) and
mobilisation by popular forces.
WAPO therefore calls on all members as well as non-member organizations to:
1- Protest in various ways at the French Embassies in our respective countries in indignation at its neocolonial abuses of French-speaking Africa; and particularly, against its covert war in Niger and other Sahel countries.
2- Demand the dismantling of every foreign military base, particularly those of the French, from the subregion.
3- Urgently request that all States lift illegal sanctions against the people of Niger.
4- Establish Solidarity Committees in every country to express their abhorrence to the current ECOWAS and Franco-NATO imperialist aggression against the peoples of Sahel and Niger.
Accra August 16, 2023
For the WAPO Coordinating Council
Below is the full statement